cats · Pains in my Fifth Point of Contact


Random Thoughts

Ya know, when you come in for your drug test, a “straight flush” is NOT a winning hand!

When you tell me you “cannot breathe”, yet appear completely nondistressed, I have to consider whether your apnea has progressed to the point where I have to dust off long unused endotracheal intubation skills, OR (and, this is likely the way to bet) you lack the wit to differentiate between a stuffy nose (“Oh! You are unable to breathe THROUGH YOUR NOSE!”), and inability to, ya know, BREATHE.

That look on my face when, having asked, “How long have you been sick”, Four. Separate. Times, And, you still have not answered…..

2 thoughts on “RANDOM THOUGHTS: Episode XI.

  1. Yeah. Well. That is the generation. It is all about drama, and narrative and victimhood.

    “Smedley Throgmartin made my life PURE HELL when I was young!!!”

    Dredging the bilge of my memory…”Throgmartin, isn’t he the kid you saw three minutes a month and he flipped you the bird?”

    “Exactly! The same one!” the battered corpse of a human responded.

    One must wonder how they will respond when they really do encounter something that resembles Hell.


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