Life in Da City!

“It’s Natural!”

Long ago, and far away, I was working in a clinic, and my partner had the opportunity to chat with a soul who reported vomiting several times a day, for several weeks. During her interview, she determined that her friend reported that he had been smoking marijuana for, lo, these many years. He reported an abundance of marijuana intake every day.

As an aside, let us recall that there is this thing, known as “cannabis hyperemesis syndrome”. While the folklore of marijuana asserts that it is useful for nausea and vomiting, excessive use can elicit vomiting. Similarly, overuse of Tylenol or Motrin for headache, can elicit headaches.

So, my friend, knowing this, counseled this soul that ceasing marijuana use would resolve his vomiting.

He was not seeing it. He asserted that he had been using marijuana, multiple times a day, for years and years, and had never had a problem with nausea or vomiting.

She replied that this problem develops after some duration of frequent use.

Her correspondent replied, “That cannot be true. Marijuana is natural! It grows out of the ground!”

I observed that poison ivy is natural, it, also, grows out of the ground. I speculated that, should I roll him a blunt of poison ivy, would he consider firing it up, and breathing the resultant fumes?

Should he consider such, I would encourage that he wait for me to exit the room and seal the door, before he put fire to paper.


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